Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy in Atlanta GA

Part of taking care of your teeth is making sure to take care of not just the tooth and the enamel but also the root system. A damaged root system meant that a tooth had to be extracted, but now there are new options to save the root system and the tooth.

3640 Dental offers root canal therapy near you to repair a damaged root, save the tooth, and protect it from further damage.

What is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy is a procedure to save the tooth and avoid extraction. It’s usually done when the nerve inside your tooth dies because of decay or injury. Nerves are important for your teeth because they help with chewing, biting, and other functions in your mouth. Root canal in Atlanta removes infected material from inside the root canal system to prevent infection from spreading into your jawbone and causing an abscess.

The process starts by numbing you either with local anesthesia or injection. Your endodontist near you will then use tools like files, drills, elevators (to remove soft tissue), probes (to check for depth), and fillers (to make sure filling is even) to reach down into the canals that go through the roots to the tip of your tooth. Once they find and clean out any infection, your dentist will fill the canals with a sealant material like gutta-percha or an antibiotic paste to ensure bacteria don’t come back in.

When is Root Canal Therapy Necessary?

Root canal therapy is usually done when you have pain or swelling near one of your teeth, sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, or if you notice pus coming from inside the tooth’s opening when brushing. This treatment is also necessary for certain teeth that are too difficult to restore through other methods such as dental crowns.

While root canal therapy may seem scary at first glance because it involves surgery on a healthy part of your body – it’s safer than removing all infected parts.

Not only can you save a tooth, but you can also prevent infection and possible severe complications this way.

3640 Dental Can Help Save Your Teeth

If you’ve got a tooth with a damaged root system and you want to save it, then contact 3640 Dental to see if root canal therapy is right for you.

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